Testimony of an Interrogation Log

An interview room at Guantanamo in 2005,
complete with floor shackle. Photo credit :
Richard Ross/AP.
On March 3, 2006, Time Magazine posted on the internet an 84-page “Interrogation Log” for Mohammed al-Qahtani (Detainee 063), “the man believed by many to be the so-called 20th hijacker” in the 9/11 attacks (see Exclusive: '20th Hijacker Claims That Torture Made Him Lie). The log is labeled SECRET ORCON, a military acronym for a document that is supposed to remain with the organization that created it. According to chief Pentagon spokesman Larry diRita, the log was compiled by various uniformed interrogators and observers from the Pentagon’s Joint Task Force at Guantanamo. It spans fifty days from November 2002 to early January 2003. A previous article on the same material (but without the full text of the log) had appeared earlier in the June 20, 2005 issue of this magazine. To make it more manageable, CSHRA has split this lengthy log into weekly segments, and posted it below.
A complete version of the interrogation log can be found here. The original version of the log posted by Time Magazine can be found here.