- Autonomy and human rights in the indigenous communities of Southern Mexico. A presentation by Pablo Obando (Fray Bartolomé Human Rights Center) and Tony Nelson (Mexico Solidarity Network). UC Davis, February 8, 2013. Co-sponsored by CSHRA.
- Guantanamo Anniversary Presentation. Breaking the Set, with Abby Martin. RTV, January 11, 2013 (Video).
- A Camp X-Ray Cage Prisoner on the Quad. Street Theater at the UC Davis Campus to mark the eleventh anniversary of Guantanamo. January 11, 2013.
- Censored 13: Book presentation. Moe's Books, Berkeley, California, November 2012.
- Ten Years of Guantanamo: A panel discussion. Almerindo Ojeda presents at a panel hosted by the Center for Constitutional Rights. Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics, San Francisco, California, January 19, 2012.
- Guantánamo at 10. An interview with Almerindo Ojeda at The Project Censored Show, KPFA Radio, Berkeley, California, January 13, 2013 (Audio).
- A Camp X-Ray Cage Prisoner on the Quad. Street Theater at the UC Davis Campus to mark the tenth anniversary of Guantanamo. January 11, 2012.
- Why is Guantánamo still open post-Boumediene? A presentation by Shayana Kadidal at the California International Law Center, Law School, UC Davis. Co-sponsored by CSHRA.
- Death in Guantánamo: Suicide or Dryboarding? Scott Horton interviews Almerindo Ojeda on Antiwar Radio, November 8, 2011 (Audio).
- Truth, Accountability, Reform, and Reconciliation. The Road to Security and the Restoration of American Values. A presentation by Almerindo Ojeda at the Symposium Unsettled Foundations, Uncertain Results: 9/11 and the Law. Law School, Rutgers University, February 3, 2011.
- From Guantánamo to The Hague: One Lawyer's Search for Justice. A Presentation by Candace Gorman. Sponsored by CSHRA. National Lawyers Guild Club, UCD Law School, January 27, 2011 (Video)
- Forum on Torture and Guantanamo, AIUSA Western Region, UC Berkeley, January 26, 2011 (Flyer | Video)
- Presentation of the Guantanamo Testimonials Project at the Davis Newman Center, December 2010
- Guantánamo: A conversation this side of the wire. Led by Amy Goodman, April 30, 2010
- Interview in It's About You, KDVS, April 5, 2010
- Presentation at the Davis Chapter of Amnesty International, February 26, 2010
- Presentation at California State University, San Francisco
- Workshop to Design a Commission of Inquiry into U.S. Detention Policies and Practices Since 9/11
- Human Rights Research on Guantánamo: A Workshop at The Woolman Semester, October 16, 2008
- Witnessing Guantánamo: Amy Goodman Speaks With Former Detainees
- (In Preparation) The Guantánamo Testimonials Project: A Theatrical Performance
- Made in LA / Hecho en Los Angeles: Documentary and Q&A with the Filmmakers
- (Cosponsorship) Yuyanapaq: Para Recordar (Photo Exhibit)
- Steering Committee Meeting, University of California Initiative on Human Rights
- The Guantánamo Hunger Strikes: A Presentation to Physicians for Social Responsibility, Sacramento Chapter.
- The Guantánamo Testimonials Project: A Presentation at the Foro Universal de las Culturas, Monterrey, México.
- The Guantánamo Testimonials Project: A Presentation at the UCDavis Justice Week.
- (Cosponsorship) A Panel on Torture, UCDavis Law School.
- (Cosponsorship) A Presentation by Father Roy Bourgeois, School of the Americas Watch.
- Guantánamo: Five Years of Prisoner Abuse (Silent Protest and Street Theater).