Al Rabiesh: Allegations of Abuse, ARB 2
Page 2924
Yes, I traveled from Riyadh, Bahrain, Dubai, Karachi (Pakistan) then to Quetta. All this is true but the allegation that I met my brother in Quetta and went to Kandahar and stayed there for three days in a safe house is not correct. And did not happen, but I said it to complete my brother<'s> story which I espoused and that was because of the torture that took place while in Shabraghan <sic>and Kandahar, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.
Page 2925
This is the information that I admitted to previously (the training) but its <sic> from my brother’s story which I assigned to myself to stop the torture <…>
Page 2926
Regarding me (my true story). I assigned it to me in the past espousing my brother’s story that is because of torture and fearing if I told them my true story they would exercise the torture. Again now I say to you and to those before you, beginning with the Saudi delegation that come here the first time and followed by series of Interrogation of my true story and the reason for it.
Page 2931
I was delivered to US forces and transferred to Kandahar in US prison, but let me tell you please that the operation of transportation was worst <sic> than transporting herds: beating, crowded, suffocations and hand cuffed with all the forces they cam <can?> come up with until my arms <became> swollen and inflamed. Then they start to interrogate me. I was expecting the US federalist interrogators to be the opposite from what I saw from Dostums’s interrogators then I informed them about this story that I am telling you and that I went to bring back my brother. At this point what occurred by the US was unexpected: torture, beating, pulling and sleep deprivation. I did not expect that from US interrogators during this period. I was obligated to embrace my brother’s story and I was transferred after that to CUBA (Guantanamobay) and the treatment was similar in X-Ray and camp Delta. Some classified reports from federalist interrogators leaked to the media about some tortures that happened here in Cuba it was still about my brother that I embraced until I met with Saudi delegation and told them and the interrogators the truth, I told also the CSRT and ARB that access if I pose a threat or not and I present them with a written documents <sic> that I wish you will read and here I am now presenting you this sad story that causes me to be here.
I wish you would be just to tell the truth.