Study of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

On December 2014, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a 525-page summary of its 6,700-page study of the Detention and Interrogation Program of the U.S. Central Inteligence Agency (CIA). The study was based on more than 6 million pages of CIA emails, cables, reports, and other documents, and took more than five years to complete. The study was triggered by the CIA destruction of tapes documenting the waterboarding of CIA prisoners. Although heavily redacted, the summary sheds significant light on the prisoner abuse carried out by the agency during the War on Terror. We have extracted and linked below the portions of the study which are relevant to the abuse of Guantanamo prisoners. This abuse took place at CIA black sites before they were interned at the Cuban base in September 2006. To access the study in its entirety, click here.
- The Interrogation of "High Value" Guantanamo Prisoners
- The Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah (ISN 10016)
- The Interrogation of 'Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (ISN 10015)
- The Interrogation of Ramzi bin al-Shibh (ISN 10013)
- The Interrogation of Khalid Shaykh Muhammad (ISN 10024)
- The Interrogation of Muhammad Rahim (ISN 10029 according to his Detainee Assessment Brief)
- The Interrogation of Hambali (ISN 10019)
- The Interrogation of Majid Khan (ISN 10020)