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Thank You!

The UCDavis Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas appreciates your financial contribution, and would like to thank you by offering you a DVD recording of an important event we have hosted.

On May 5, 2006, CSHRA organized A Conversation About Guantanamo, led by Amy Goodman. In addition to Ms. Goodman, the event featured Michael Ratner, James Yee, and Alfred McCoy. By all accounts, the event was a great success. In fact, portions of this conversation went on to air nationally on Democracy Now! and on University of California Television (UCTV). Fortunately, thanks to our friends in We the Media, we were able to record this conversation on DVD, and are making it available to you as a thank-you gift for a donation of $25 or more to CSHRA.

If you would like to make such a donation, please write a check to UC Regents/CSHRA, and mail it to the following address:


        5211 Social Science and Humanities

        University of California at Davis

        Davis, CA 95616

Alternatively, if you would like to send a donation using your credit card, please print this donation stub, fill it in, and mail it to the above address.

Please be assured that your donation will be put to good use, so contribute generously. Our immediate plans include continuing our efforts to document human rights abuses in Guantánamo, support research into the physical effects of psychological torture, organize a theatrical performance on prisoner abuse at Guantánamo, and bring distinguished human rights scholars and advocates to campus.