Head Trauma (Injury) Incident 1


Head Trauma (Injury) Incident 1

At the CIA Black site, in the very first days after U.S. Gov. Agents shaved my head, then they smashed my head against the wall repeatedly.

It continued until I lost count at each session.

As my head was being hit each time, I would see sparks of lights in my eyes. As the intensity of these sparks were increasing as a result of repeated hitting, then all of a sudden I felt a strong jolt of electricity in my head then I couldn't see anything[.] Everything went dark and I passed out.

Next thing I found myself in a different place suspended to the ceiling in a dark cold cell. I don't know for how many hours I was unconscious. Naked while my legs were swollen as a result of extended standing. My legs couldn't support my body. The handcuffs were cutting my wrists which were pulled over above my head. A very sharp throb[b]ing pain in my head. There was an extremely loud and disturbing music with a mixture of grating screeching shrill sounds cutting into my ears pounding my mind[.] As every now and then an agent would come and hit the steel door with a metal bar in his/her hands making verbal threats pointing to the metal bar in addition to flashing a sharp light into my face. And when I indicate that I need water to drink[,] someone would come and stand at the doorstep holding a cup/container of water[,] showing it to me[.] Then he or she would spill it on the floor and leave.

After this particular head injury incident I lost my ability to sleep ever since. I was not able to have a normal or deep sleep. I am still reliving the nightmares of this incident every night[.] [E]very time I try to close my eyes it just pops up. And this was just one among many incidents.



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